Conscious Communication

The 8-week blueprint for you, and the love of your life, to continue to grow within your relationship. Honor your masculine & feminine differences, stay calm through conflicts… and evolve into your next stage of love, understanding and connection.

for the couple that…

wants to become better versions of themselves and learn how to give & receive the best love possible in their relationship…

It’s time to master the foundations of Conscious Communication.

Imagine what it would be like if…

  • You have the exact conversation topics to guide the two of you to intentionally grow your relationship, together. No more long conversations, hoping for the best. You have specific topics & agreements to guide you to true transformation.

  • You both are more playful, affectionate and flirtatious… Even on a random Tuesday after a long day. You easily prioritize connection and consciously consider what excites the other.

  • Your conflicts & disagreements are situations that bring you closer together (instead of having to be right, defending or brushing it under the rug… again) because you have a strategy to help guide you there.

  • You know one another SO well, and you’re ready to know the specific differences between how men and women think, and how to use this to your advantage in your communication, intimate connection and continue to deepen your understanding of one another.

  • You’re ready to learn to let go of how your past has influenced you, and your relationship and take responsibility to transform your reactions and responses, fully express your wants & needs, raise your standards, and define your version of a successful life & relationship… no one else’s.

It’s possible…
Comments like this are the NORM from our clients after learning Conscious Communication:

“I’ve never gotten a response like that from her.”

“He’s a different person. So much has changed for us.
I’m so happy. I feel like I’ve been walking on a cloud all week.”

You want to love each other so well,
knowing that we all get one shot in this lifetime,

and you’re ready to have the roadmap to give it all you’ve got.

tell us if this sounds like you…

You are ready to finally feel like the do-it-herself-girl, plan-everything-girl… can soften and rest, but can’t figure out how to do it on a daily basis.

You want to feel taken care of by your man, for him to plan an entire weekend getaway for the two of you (without you lifting a finger!), but you aren’t sure how to “get” him to do it without pushing him.

You feel like you make the majority of the decisions, and you’re… tired. You want him to step up and take the lead more. But, when you’ve brought it up in the past the conversation doesn’t go how you thought, or it doesn’t last.

You want to completely trust that he will follow through on tasks, without you having to remind him 97 times, or feel as if you’re nagging him. He simply says “I’ll take care of it” and it’s done.

You want to feel grounded, purposeful and needed in your relationship, but you don’t know how to get her to stop doing it all herself, or going back and fixing it.

You want to be a steady presence for her when she’s down, but sometimes you don’t know if she needs something fixed or to just be there for her.

You have the natural drive to want to protect her, but you aren’t quite sure what that looks like on a daily basis, yet.

When it comes to the tasks you’re undertaking, you don’t want her to tell you how to do it, you want to do it on your own terms. And, you want her to respect that. But, when you’ve tried to articulate this in the past… It doesn’t go as planned.

The two of you,
Are each other’s FOREVER human, loves of your life, but feel overwhelmed and unclear when it comes consciously communicating, taking next level responsibility for yourselves and releasing your old habits… especially when things get uncomfortable or tense.


Conscious Communication

In 8 transformative weeks… explore your greatest potential as a couple, un-censor your wants and needs, and honor + amplify your unique masculine & feminine differences. In this course, we will work together to reconstruct your conflict communication style, enhance how you both give & receive love, learn how to speak your mind freely to deepen your connection and grow closer together than ever.

  • By the end of this module you will know the exact conversations, high-level mindset skills, and daily actions to become a conscious communicator.

    Topics covered:

    • New agreements & commitments

    • High-level mindset techniques to identify and remove barriers to conscious communication

    • Taking personal responsibility

    • The Power Couple Mindset

  • By the end of this module, you will know exactly how to stop a fight before it even begins, stop the critical or sarcastic remarks and respond rather than react to your partner (and outside situations).

    Topics covered:

    • Common conflict patterns

    • Creating your Connect thru Conflict Game Plan

    • Giving and receiving wants, needs and support

    • Emotional attunement

    • Putting the armor down

  • By the end of this module you will know the differences between how men and women think and how to use this to benefit your communication, increase attraction and support your partner on a deeper level than ever before.

    Topics covered:

    • Understanding masculine and feminine energy

    • Creating polarity in your relationship

    • Deepening trust

    • Communication styles & differences

    • Connection rituals

  • By the end of this module, you will know exactly how to continue to grow together as the years go on, and not let love fade or go on the back burner.

    Topics covered:

    • Defining what a successful relationship looks like to you

    • Embracing change & setbacks

    • Independence & co-dependence

    • Creating your Marriage Mission Statement

    • Joint goals & vision for your future


Ready to grow, together?

This is FOR YOU if…

  • You are committed to up leveling your life.

  • You & your partner love each other to the moon, and beyond.

  • You want to understand yourself & your partner better.

  • You know there is always room for improvement.

  • You are ready to let go of the BS you picked up in the past that is affecting your present & future.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You are looking for a quick fix.

  • You are not willing to take responsibility for your contribution to scenarios.

  • You don’t believe your partner can change.

  • You aren’t willing to make the time to do the work.

Investment: $1997

how it works

Private Podcast

The 4 modules are delivered via the Conscious Communication private podcast so you can listen to the trainings at your convenience!

New trainings, course work and couple’s + individual activities are released each week.

Plus, specific trainings for the men, led by Hannes. And, specific trainings for women, led by Alex.

Group Video Calls

There will be Live group video calls held on Zoom every other week with Alex & Hannes for connection, feedback and accountability.

There will also be a Women’s Only coaching call, and a Men’s Only coaching call to support each of you individually.

Community Chat + Support

On top of the trainings and video calls, you will have access to a private Group Chat to connect with the other couple’s that also want to up-level their lives & relationships.

One of the greatest life hacks is surrounding yourself with other people the GET IT, so you can normalize it & make it your reality NOW.

what clients are saying

"we're in a completely different universe with our communication!"

"we're in a completely different universe with our communication!"



"the best decision of our year!"

"the best decision of our year!"

Ready to create the relationship of your dreams?

You know that you’re not meant for “normal” in any area of your life, including your relationship. You also know that putting yourself in rooms with people that think differently than most, and are living the way you want to, is the biggest life-hack, fast-track to normalizing what you know is possible for the two of you.

You are ready to put yourself in that room, surround yourself with likeminded couples and up-level your love life!

Click here to join us!

You’re doing the work together, but learning it from us provides you with a “his” and “hers” perspective. Because sometimes, men need to hear it from men, and women need to hear it from women for it to truly click for both of you.

We are relationship coaches for growth-minded couples. Our work focuses on improving communication in your relationship, living with your heart, releasing generational patterns and masculine & feminine dynamics and energetics. Alex works with the woman who feels like she has to do-it-all and not ask for much help, to feel like she can finally rest, be empowered in her feminine nature and fully trust her partner that he has her back in ALL areas. Hannes works with the man who wants to lead, protect and support his wife + family, to follow through on his commitments to himself and others, and step into his empowered masculine nature. Together, we work with you to create a deeper level of intimacy, connection and understanding of one another for a love that just keeps getting better as time goes on!

We are paving a new path for couples, that are in love & obsessed with each other, that are ready to grow and strengthen their relationship, beyond what “normal” because they know there is more to love and life.

some fun facts

  • Alex has her Master’s in Counseling

  • She has been in the personal development coaching space for over 8 years.

  • She has coached 100’s of women and men to transform their relationship within themselves, their bodies and their life goals.

  • We hosted our first Couple’s Retreat in Mallorca, Spain in 2023 and had couples fly in for an intimate, all-inclusive, deep dive into their relationships and communication. (And, hearing from the couples 7+ months later that it was a smash success!)

  • We met in high school, when Hannes was an exchange student for one year at Alex’s school. We fell in love 7 years later. In 2021, we sold our home in Charlotte, North Carolina and became digital nomads for 2 years. We recently moved to Colorado to put some roots down. We both love reading fiction, hiking, swimming, cooking, sourdough (Alex bakes and Hannes benefits lol), going to the gym together, sunshine and being in nature in all the ways we can.

We are looking forward to working with you & the love of your life!


Alex & Hannes

meet Your mentors

Hannes & Alex Nickl


what if we cannot attend some of the video calls?

The video calls are there for added support, community, feedback and personalized coaching by the two of us. Of course we would love if you could attend all the calls, but life happens! If you have to miss a call, you can still ask questions in our private group chat! And, everything you need for the week will be delivered via the private podcast!

how long do we have access to the trainings?

You will have life-time access to these trainings. You will be able to listen to them again and again, or pause and go play with the kids and dive back into the content when you’re ready.

do we have to listen to the podcast together?

The short answer, no! You can both listen to the episodes in your own time. We will let you know when you need to have designated time to connect & discuss the specific conversations and activities. There will also be certain episodes and course work that you will do as an individual.

are refunds. an option?

Due to the digital nature of the product, and continued access, once you register, no refunds. are offered under any circumstance. Please make sure you are 100% committed!

Ready to join

Conscious Communication?