meet alex

Alex Nickl holds a master's in counseling. she has built 2 multi 6-figure businesses with 2 assistant coaches and has created 8 revenue streams for herself.

Her core focus is helping high-level business owners & coaches who work in fitness, wellness, and nutrition leave their unhealthy habits behind and transform the way they work by implementing mindset and psychology- based practices to ultimately live a more fulfilling, well-rounded lifestyle.

Even though she was busy and excited to be growing her business and helping others, her money mindset was set in lack, to stay small, to struggle, and to lose it all. She was afraid if she raised her prices higher than “industry standards” people wouldn’t pay more and she’d lose momentum.

All of this meant that she capped herself income-wise and growth-wise.

Being fully committed meant she put all her energy into the business the masculine way. Meaning that the harder she worked, the more hours she put in, and the more success she would have. Even though her impact was growing, she still felt like this was a side hustle, like it could all fall apart one day and be left with nothing. This was not a sustainable way to grow her business.

When Alex moved to Charlotte, she started her first nutrition business.

While working on her master’s and working several other jobs, she realized that she didn't want to recreate the 9-5 hustle lifestyle. She knew she was meant to be an entrepreneur. In between jobs, Alex was meeting clients at their homes, coffee shops, or grocery stores. Her business quickly grew by word of mouth.

With most of her clients being 1:1 , she eventually began to overwork herself, and her energetic capacity to hold more clients began to cap out.

That meant overcommitting herself and feeling exhausted to constantly produce.
At the time she didn’t know that your business is meant to be aligned with how you work best, instead, she had built her business the same way she saw other coaches doing it.

Comparing herself and her success to other coaches, questioning if her voice was being heard, not fully seeing herself as a leader and business owner but keeping herself in a box “coach”.

Alex knew it was time to pivot.

She made the decision to get to know herself … because when you know it within yourself, everyone else can feel it too, and that is when you become magnetic to more. To be able to create the life and business you truly desire.

She cut the overworking and began to hire out, raised her pricing, pivoted her offers, and created an ascension ladder in her business so she wasn’t always having to launch things. 

Alex also created corporate partnerships program, and invited in more passive income streams.

Through all of this, Alex learned that more often than not, many entrepreneurs just like her were experiencing the same type of burnout. Online and forward-facing their lives & businesses were successful, but internally and unexposed these women were feeling overwhelmed, working 8 - 10+ hours a day, questioning if it’s enough, still feeling like the newbie, feeling repetitive, feeling the pull to get create new/different but unsure how to get there…

If you feel like you questioning where you are in life and business, and resonate with Alex contact her below + explore ways to gain support!

My programs

Mentorship & Social Media Consulting

With this mentorship, you'll gain clarity and direction on your goals, vision, and mission for life and business.

Luxury Couples Retreats

Hosted by Alex and her husband, Hannes, experience the ultimate vacation, but with every element infused with the intention for you to create a stronger foundation for your relationship.

ambitious women
group coaching

This program helps you to stop looking for approval from others, let go of doubts and shine your light. You will learn how to create the confidence to move boldly towards living your most fulfilled, joyful life.

Let’s Connect